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With your support and encouragement, we survived and thrived this past year with the creation of our Virtual Mission Trip Program and continuation of our One Day Mission trips into local communities. We are now looking ahead to resuming in-person mission trips next year. Whether you participate in-person or via livestream, we are delighted to share this special evening with you.

What to expect:

We are excited to announce that CBC's 2021 "Bishop Paul S. Loverde Missionary Award for Selfless Service Missionary of the Year" will go to veteran CBC missionaries and Catholic Charities volunteers, Tom and Monica Pedagno. Parishioners at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Lakeridge, VA, they will be the first married couple to receive this Award.

Our "Spotlight on Bánica" will be recognizing a unique missionary partnership between the Diocese of Arlington and the Diocese of San Juan de la Maguana, in the Dominican Republic. Celebrating their 30-year anniversary, the Bánica Mission and the Arlington Mission Office have created a special bond between two communities of faith that CBC has been blessed to experience and support through mission trips.

The Silent Auction goes live Friday, Oct. 8 at 8am ET and ends at 8pm ET. It will be just as great if not better than last year! The CBC Event Committee is working to make this a memorable, fast-paced, and fun experience. Be on the lookout for some surprises!

Register now to participate in-person or via livestream and to receive event updates. 

Paradise Springs Winery

13219 Yates Ford Drive, Clifton, Virginia

In-person or Livestreaming - you can choose this year

Pre-Show | 6:30pm-7pm ET

Main Event | 7pm-8pm ET

Online Silent Auction | 8am-8:15pm ET

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Thank you to our generous sponsors!